Native Tone
Hosted by Native Tonebasic info.
The first Native Tone in 2018 has to be one that everyone will remember throughout the whole year. It's the beginning of a new journey full of new adventures, artist to see and music to dance to. In order to embark on this journey properly packed with energy and enthusiasm, we invited two smooth sailors.
Both are known for the, almost spiritual, musical odyssey they create for the human mind. Worakls and Stereoclip both found relief in producing deep soothing music at an early age. Nowadays they're prestige artists, playing in venues all across the world with their intangible music. The commencing of the new year will be an expedition of its own with these two marvelous artists.
from 23:00 until 05:00
Complex Griend 6-7 , Maastricht show map
Native ticket € 20.00 buy tickets