Native Tone
basic info.
His name comes from the ancient Greek word ‘Agora’ which means ‘meeting place’. Many countries across our globe have had the privilege of meeting this versatile Frenchmen. Besides being a DJ and producer, he is a composer, founder of the record label In Fine as well as the Nuits Sonores Festival and an explorer of the artistic side of music. They said the French were passionate, but Agoria appears to take the word passion to a whole new level. As Native Tone is a project of passion his invitation was inevitable. It's finally time to share our ‘amour’ for music. We are thrilled he accepted our invite! Note the 22nd of December in your diaries, because not only Agoria but also Nick Bril and Sandeep will make this winter night feel like a summer's day.
from 23:00 until 05:00
Complex Griend 6-7 , Maastricht show map
One way ticket to the jungle € 16.00 buy tickets