Anetha, Ansome, Ossian, Headstrong, Kobosil, MPIA3, Overmono, ROD Malmok, Tijana T and Anil Aras
and 12 more..
With Michel de Hey, Olivier Weiter, Luuk van Dijk, Rachelle Grooten, Anil Aras, Lockhead, Julian Alexander, Bridge The Gap, Soundsystem: Pablo Discobar and Erik Heijting and 1 more..
With Bas Dobbelaer, Tennis, Jennifer Cardini, Todd Terje, Âme, Weval, Adriatique, Joey Daniel, Prunk and Chris Stussy and 29 more..
With Fritz Kalkbrenner, Egbert, Reinier Zonneveld, Tsepo, Some Chemistry, Rebekah, ROD Malmok, Perc, Juan Sanchez and Mauro Moreno and 1 more..