Hosted by NGHTDVSNbasic info.
NGHTDVSN and LittleBig-agency join hands and present TELEPORT on this first day of NGHTDVSN’s 2017 ADE program. Lined up is a broad selection of some of the most prominent members of the LB family. Crowning the bill is Jon Hopkins, the highly influential London-based producer whose output and number of highbrow collaborations are as impressive in quality as they are in sheer quantity. Performing a live set is Warp Records staple Clark - his critically acclaimed Death Peak consolidating his worldwide status as one of the most colourful and ever-evolving artists out there.
Close friend of NGHTDVSN Max Cooper will also appear for a DJ set, just as another crown jewel of LB: Nathan Fake. Not to be missed either during this night is Danish artist Courtesy, who has just been tipped for her innovative RA podcast and her avant-gardist take on electronic music.
from 23:00 until 08:00
De Marktkantine Jan van Galenstraat 6 , Amsterdam show map
1st release€ 22.50sold out 2nd release€ 27.50sold out 3rd release € 32.50